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3 Key Habits of a Successful Physical Therapist

Developing strategies to become a more successful physical therapist is crucial to your clinic’s vitality in 2023 & beyond. Here are 3 key habits for PTs to adopt.

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3 Key Habits of a Successful Physical Therapist

Your interest in becoming a successful physical therapist shows that you take pride in your work and want to improve. Every physical therapist can grow to become a great physical therapist who works more effectively and efficiently. Examine how you treat patients and run your practice. This close introspection will help you find ways to integrate the most common habits of successful physical therapists into your work.

Main takeaways from this article:

If you're looking for ways to improve as a physical therapist or to streamline operations for your physical therapy practice, start with the three habits of successful physical therapists:

  • Utilize technology to automate routine processes and streamline time-consuming activities like billing, patient documentation, and more.
  • Create an effective system for monitoring your patients' outcomes to ensure they receive personalized care, understand their progress, and complete their treatment plan.
  • Focus on increasing patient engagement and patient education to generate buy-in for their treatment plan and increase the likeliness of successful completion.

Three Habits of Successful Physical Therapists

Every good physical therapist can find ways to improve. Those who consistently operate successful physical therapy practices demonstrate the three following habits. When you integrate these tips into your work, you'll see improvement in your available time, your patients' outcomes, and how you relate to your patients. Depending on how you use the extra time, you can offer extra services or add other means of boosting your practice's profits.

1. Use Technology to Streamline and Automate Processes

Today, the interconnectedness of healthcare means that you must embrace technology in your clinical practice. Luckily, the most up-to-date software solutions designed specifically for physical therapy practices make your work easier.

While you have to spend a little time learning how to use physical therapy software, the benefits of using this technology far outweigh the minor time investment.

Automate Regulatory Compliance

First, physical therapy software programs will help you to manage your practice more efficiently. Tools in the system make staying on top of compliance requirements for HIPAA and other regulatory groups. You'll keep your patients' information more secure and avoid fines and fees for non-compliance.

Reduce Time-Consuming Paperwork

No one likes to do hours of tedious paperwork. Physical therapy software will automate the most repetitive tasks. By turning over simple, repetitive tasks to the software, you can use your time to leverage your knowledge and interpersonal skills in helping your patients. With more time available for patient care, you can improve outcomes by forging solid relationships with your patients and ensuring they keep up with their exercises after their visits.

Make Data-Driven Improvements

Finally, practice management software lets you track data and gain insights into your performance metrics to help you make better business decisions. Track custom key performance indicators and compare performance over time to evaluate your practice's progress toward its goals.

Types of Physical Therapy Practice Management Software

The following types of software offer numerous benefits for your physical therapy practice:

  • Communication software streamlines the process of sending and receiving messages. With this solution, you can securely connect with clinic staff to deliver messages, announcements, or updates.
  • Electronic medical records (EMR) software ensures that your practice meets compliance for recording and maintaining secure electronic patient records. With EMR templates, recording patient data and adding progress notes becomes more straightforward than ever before.
  • Home exercise program (HEP) software helps patients to keep up with their exercises at home. This type of program improves adherence to the treatment regime and boosts patient experiences and outcomes.
  • Patient portal software gives your patients the power to schedule sessions online outside office hours.
  • Practice management software facilitates all the tasks of maintaining your practice. With this program, you can create and view financial reports, ensure that you stay on top of compliance requirements, track KPIs, and better manage overall operations.
  • Telehealth software brings your clinical expertise to patients wherever they are. Through electronic visits through a HIPAA-compliant platform, you can keep patients moving through their treatment even if they cannot come to the clinic. With overall satisfaction the same among physical therapy patients receiving telehealth appointments as in-person visits, you have no reason not to use this technology.

The above powerful tools give you more time to offer better health care, more services, education, and improve relationships with your patients, all of which put you on the road to becoming a successful physical therapist.

2. Monitor Patient Outcomes Closely

Tracking and reporting patient progress and outcome ensures that the individuals have the quality care they need to reach their recovery goals. Depending on the results of the current therapy, you may need to make changes in patient treatment to improve progress.

Manual Outcome Monitoring

While taking notes on paper and using functional outcome measurements provide a simple method of tracking patient outcomes, you can better monitor their progress using outcome software to collect and organize the data.

Physical Therapy Outcomes Software

PT outcomes software provides a tool that examines the effectiveness of the care you provide patients. This software provides a common location to find all patient data for reference as needed. It provides the information insurers and referrers need to show that your practice offers effective care to patients. Plus, this system gives physical therapists in your practice the evidence needed to see that they make fundamental differences in the lives of their patients when they cannot get positive reinforcement otherwise.

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Another method to monitor patient outcomes is remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM), which allows you to monitor patients following exercises at home. This system helps improve patient adherence to recommended exercises and gives them clear goals for progress. Patients feel more engaged in their treatment and recovery by having clear goals and instructions, good communication with their doctor and their physical therapists, and a stronger patient-therapist relationship.

With remote monitoring and outcome software, you ensure that your patients receive the individualized treatment they need for progress and improved well-being.

3. Implement Patient Engagement Tactics

The most successful physical therapists prioritize building solid relationships with their patients. These connections ensure that patients trust the physical therapist and the prescribed exercise regime, which can improve adherence and outcomes.

Increase Patient Communication

Examine how you communicate with patients outside the clinic to build good relationships. Use deliberate language in all communications with individual patients and mass messages sent to everyone. Your patient engagement messages need to account for the demographics, maintain a positive outlook on treating patients, and stay focused on what you what the individuals to do. For instance, if you send out messages to existing patients to adhere to their treatment regimes, only discuss that topic.

Build Strong Patient Relationships

For individual patients, you'll need to continue to build your relationship with each one by involving them in their treatment planning. When patients have input, they feel more engaged in their care. They also feel more empowered to invest time and effort into seeing their physical therapy exercises through to successful completion.

Provide Thorough Patient Education

Don't leave your patients in the dark about their conditions. Give them educational resources about their conditions, treatment methods, and recovery processes. When patients know more about their health and what to expect, they will better understand why you made your recommendations and have a better chance of following through with them.

Monitor Patient Satisfaction Levels

Make sure to keep in touch with your patients. At check-ins, find out their patient satisfaction levels and if they have any questions or concerns that you need to discuss. When you make an effort to reach out to your patients, they will feel more valued, which can improve their outcomes and retention with your physical therapy practice.

Make Your Patient Care Fun

Finally, look into ways to turn physical therapy into games. For some people, gamification can improve adherence to a treatment plan and patient engagement by making the recovery process more fun.

The Bottom Line: Becoming a Successful Physical Therapist

You can improve your practice and become a successful physical therapist. However, to do so, you'll need some help to automate processes, monitor patient outcomes, and improve engagement. Physical therapy software can help you to do these tasks. You'll have more time to assist patients with their treatment plans. Start today and request a demo of MWTherapy to try this powerful productivity tool for yourself.

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